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Winter is Coming…. Be Prepared

Written by Fallsway | Dec 6, 2016 9:37:20 AM

It is about that time again Northeast Ohio….  Winter can be harsh on your material handling machines. But with the proper preparation and maintenance, you can keep your business at peak performance during the upcoming harsh season.  Below is a list of tips to help winterize your top dollar investment to ensure longer uptimes and better productivity.

  • Have your batteries and charging systems checked to ensure top performance.  Frigid temperatures can be hard on batteries.
  • As a general rule, you should clean, flush and put new antifreeze in the cooling system once a year.
  • Check your tires for any wear in the tread or low pressure.  If your operation has snow or ice on the working path,  you should consider specialty tires designed to grip on slick floors.
  • Don’t let dirty oil turn your machine into a large paperweight.  Be proactive about changing its oil at the recommended times.
  • Do you have a trusty technician?  If not have one of our experienced technicians checks critical components and fluids.  Checking the fuel, air, hydraulic and transmission filters on a regular will make sure to keep your machine from extensive downtimes.
  • If your machine is due for a tune-up, have it done before the winter sets in!  The harsh, bitter cold can intensify existing problems such as pings, hard starts, sluggish performance or rough idling.
  • Get your breaks checked before you go crashing into products, walls and other operators.  Confirm that the lift truck’s braking system is functioning correctly before driving on harsh environmental surfaces.
  • Check your lift trucks exhaust system for any type of carbon monoxide leaks.  These leaks can be especially dangerous when the machines are being stored inside buildings.
  • Check over all types of warning lights, work lights and tail lights to ensure maximum safety for the forklift operator and other employees around the lift truck.

With a little help from these tips, you can save your company money on repair costs, downtime and productivity.  Let Fallsway be your one stop shop for winter-ready lift trucks. Give us a call today at 330-633-6000 or contact us and find out what we can do for you!